Wednesday, September 21, 2016

50th Anniversary Trip - Day 21: Rain, Rain, Go Away

We woke up to an overcast day but no rain.  This part of the country had been getting quite a bit of rain.  The roads were wet and there were some mud puddles.   We hoped it wouldn't rain while we were at this KOA because much more rain and the roads could become impassable; but, no rain, yet!  We were on the road by 9:30 headed for our last camping spot Madison KOA, about 200 miles away.
We were glad for the change of scenery.  I can see beauty in the flat, rolling hills of South Dakota and southern Minnesota; but, after nearly two days of that scenery, it was good to see trees along the road.  There were trees on both sides of our side of the interstate so at times, we could not see the other two lanes.  It felt like we were on a two-lane road driving through a forest.

We crossed the Mississippi River for the last time this trip.

From the looks of the water levels, it confirms to me that this part of the country has had enough rain.

We stopped at a rest area for lunch.  As soon as I leave the RV, she climbs in the front window to watch and wait for my return.

When I get back in the RV, she acts like I have been gone for days, even though it has been only a few minutes.

This 18-wheeler was sitting by us in the rest area.  I don't like orange trucks but I did like what the driver called his.

This is where Sandy spends her day when we are driving.  Only one more day and we will be home and I know Sandy will be happy.  

This was taken in Wisconsin right before the skies opened up.
We could see the clouds darkening and lightening as we drove east.  Eventually we rain right into the rain.  It was raining hard and we thought of pulling into an upcoming rest area but it let up a little so we kept on driving.  We drove in the rain for a couple of hours.  It finally let up when we reached our camp site.  The lady told us that they have had too much rain.  The owner had not been able to mow because of the rain.  We got into a spot and set up.  The drives, sites, and grassy areas by the sites were saturated.  

From the looks of the clouds to the north, it looked like we were in for more rain.  We got in at 2:00 p.m. and knowing it was going to be a rainy afternoon, I decided to do laundry.  It may seem silly since we will be home tomorrow but, it was a good way to stay out of the rain and get something accomplished.  I won't have laundry to face at home for a few days.

I was right; another storm moved in while I was at the laundry....heavy rain, thunder, lightening.  We have been lucky this trip because this is the first rainy day that keeps you inside day, we have had this entire trip.  We did have a misty day in Colorado but we were able to be out and about.

Tomorrow we will be home.  

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