Thursday, September 15, 2016

50th Anniversary Trip - Day 15: Happy Birthday, Aidan

This was a lazy day.  We stayed in the park until late afternoon.  The weather was rain, temperatures in the low 70's.  We sat outside, read, and just enjoyed final views of the mountains.  We finally decided how we will get back to Decatur.  Tomorrow we will be driving 400 miles to Spearfish, S.D.  We wanted to stay at Devil's Tower KOA but there was no room for us so we had to get closer to Rapid City.  We haven't driven 400 miles in one day in the motorhome.  We want to get on the road no later than 8:00 a.m. so we can make it into the campsite before suppertime.  We tried to do everything we could today that would have needed to be done tomorrow.  All we have to do tomorrow is pull in slides, raise levelers, unhook water/power and the biggie....hook up the car.

At 4:00 p.m.  we headed north to Ft. Collins to help Aidan celebrate his 8th birthday.  We went to Chick-fil-A (his choice) for his birthday meal.  Carol and I had never eaten at one so it was a new experience for us. I liked it; Carol would rather have beef but he was a good sport.
Like all good kid-friendly, fast food eateries, there was a play area.  Katie and  Aidan couldn't wait to play in it.

A great picture of the birthday boy, Aidan, and his family.

Aidan surrounded by his presents.

After we ate, we went back to their apartment for the birthday party.  Aidan allowed us to take a picture of two  before he torn into the presents.  Linda had baked a special flour-less cake for Aidan's birthday.  Because of his special diet, Aidan can't have carbs so no flour.  The cake was good and I know Aidan enjoyed the treat.

Unfortunately, this part of our trip has come to an end.  We had to hand out hugs, kisses, I love  yous, and say our goodbyes.  We have had a great time with them these past few days.   Tomorrow we will leave Colorado.  Of course, we will return but we don't know when.

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