Monday, September 19, 2016

50th Anniversary Trip - Day 19: Badlands National Park

We were on the road by 8:30 MDT.  Our next campground would be  nearly 300 miles away and we would lose an hour as we traveled east.
The trees are turning a golden yellow and they really stand out against the dark pine trees.

We took time to drive the Badlands Scenic Route.  It is a nice route that goes from the west end to the east end of the park.  There are plenty of pull-outs and overlooks.  Some even have special parking for RVs.  

Sandy was always happy to get out of the RV and onto land.  

I decided that I needed a picture of our home away from home and the "toad."

This was posted at one of the stops we made.  We always stayed on the walkway to avoid any encounter of rattlesnakes.

Carol and Sandy are staying on the walkway.  Our RV and toad can be seen in the parking lot.

We spent about an hour and a half driving through the Badlands.  Then it was back on I-90.  We stopped for lunch at a rest area and saw this sign in the area of the dog walk.  Sandy and I tread lightly with alert eyes and ears for any sign of a snake.  I truly dislike snakes and can't imagine what I would do I were to encounter one, but I hope I could get out of its way.

Above and below are pictures of the Missouri River.  It cuts south to north almost in the center of South Dakota.  The terrain of South Dakota is also very different on the east and west side of the river.  The land on the west side is rolling hills with fields of sunflowers causing a patchwork quilt of small fields with other crops.  The land on the east side is very flat with fields of corn and soy beans.  

As we travel, we always note the state capitols we see.  This year we saw the capitols of Illinois, Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming.  Unfortunately, we probably never will see the capitol of South Dakota because Pierre does not have an interstate running through it.  It sits north of I-90 about 40 miles.  We would have to purposely take a trip to Pierre; otherwise we would never see it.

We are camped at Mitchell KOA.  Mitchell is famous for the world's only Corn Palace.  We won't be seeing it because we don't want to unhook the car.  This year's theme is "The Rock of Ages" and has huge murals made entirely of corn of people like Willie Nelson and Elvis.  Maybe we will see it another year.  We have already decided that we need to return to the Badlands and spend more than just driving time through it.  Near the Badlands are Wall Drug and the Minuteman Missile National Monument.  There is so much to see in this country.  We have been trying to see as much of it as possible.  Each state has its own beauty.  The temperatures were in the mid 80s.  Our cool days and nights are over.

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