Friday, September 22, 2023

Spending the Day with Aidan

  Mom and Dad were working so we spent the day with Aidan.  We are so glad we got the chance to be with him all day.  Aidan was told many times by Dad before he left to be good and he was.  We don't get to spend much time with the Florida grandkids so when we get the chance we take advantage of that time..

Dad played with Pixie and slept.  He is not quite asleep in this picture but he wasn't awake for long after I snapped the picture.

Aidan spent the day watching DVDs.  Like any kid, he knows how to operate the electronics.

Play time with Pixie.

While we were waiting for John to get off work
 this egret wandered by the front of the building in which he works.  John works in the heart of Winter Haven and this egret acted comfortable in this city environment.

It rained last night and we were rewarded with a rainbow

Beautiful sky following the rain. 

It was a good day.  After we left John's we shopping for groceries in our first Publix of this trip.  Publix sell only groceries but they are  found everywhere in the south. We also found a gas station in which to put gas in the motorhome when we hit the road again on Monday.  There is not much to say about today.  It was nice not to be so busy that we wore ourselves out.

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