Sunday, September 17, 2023

Lazy Day in Florida

 We relaxed at the campsite all morning.  I made breakfast and did laundry while Carol read and played cards.  It was another hot and humid day in Florida.  At 1:00 p.m. we went to John's and spent the afternoon talking and watching videos with Katie and Aidan.

We have seen this sign everyday that we went into John's and liked what it said so today, I snapped a picture.

We ate supper at Popeyes.  

Pixie loves to have her head and ears scratched and Carol was hoppy to do that but not only did it put Pixie to sleep but also Carol.

While we were sitting on our patio, this squirrel visited the tree nearby.
Last evening we had another beautiful sunset.  

Tonight the evening sky was beautiful in all directions.  This photo is of the eastern sky.

The southern sky

The western sky

We were home by 6:00 p.m. and I began to pack for our trip tomorrow to Key West.  As of the last weather forecast, there are no hurricanes coming our way to disrupt this year's planned trip to Key West.

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