Saturday, September 16, 2023

Birthday, Aidan - Day 2

We must have been tired because we slept until 8:00 EDT.  Of course, that is 7:00 in Decatur time but very unusual for us to sleep that late.  We sat on the patio for a little while enjoying a nice breeze blowing which made sitting on the patio in the shade tolerable.  

This is spot #65.   This is the third time we have camped in this campground and the second time in this spot.  This is the patio on which we enjoyed the cool breeze. 

The terrain is mostly sand and some of these tiny white flowers.

Another view of our spot.

At 11:00 a.m. we went to Aidan's house to celebrate his birthday with the part of Linda's family that lives in this area.  We had lunch, birthday cake and Aidan opened more presents.  When we left this afternoon, Aidan asked if we would celebrate his birthday tomorrow!!  We told him that he was lucky he got to celebrate two days because most people only get to celebrate birthdays one day.

Jessica (Linda's niece) took a family picture of us.
Aidan, Linda, John, Katie, Grandma and Grandpa
This picture shows how much Aidan has grown.  He is taller than his mom and about the same size as his dad.

John and Linda's house in  Winter Haven.  John put in the landscaping in the front of the house.  This is a typical style house for this part of Florida.  In the front of the car is a small area of landscaping that contains a huge stone we brought from Illinois for their house.  The stone came from John's Great-Grandfather's home in rural Louisville, Illinois.  John is also named after this Great-Grandfather so we thought it would be very appropriate for the stone to be transplanted to John's home.

The Illinois stone which now resides in Florida.

Back to camp by 4:00 p.m. to relax the rest of the evening.

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