Thursday, September 28, 2023

Goodbye Everglades National Park

Left this was a this morning at 8:00 a.m.  We drove for the last time the beautiful drive of 40 miles from the park to civilization.  There was a lot of traffic on the interstate and it rained off and on.  It was a totally different day from the last four.  I have no beautiful scenery to post but I did see something that I thought was interesting so here we go.

Why would a sign showing a 40 MPH curve be interesting?  Because the sign before this one was a 35 MPH speed limit sign.  You would have to increase your speed to 40 to make this curve.  Most of the time, the speed limit for a curve is less than the regular limit.

I just loved this colorful rooster mailbox.

These "no parking" signs lined the exit to a rest area.  I hope the truckers got the message that they are not allowed to park on the side of the road coming out of the rest area.
I like this guy.  I think he would be a fun guy with which to camp!

We arrived at Stagecoach RV Park around 4:30.  It is a very nice campground.  The spaces are level and well apart from the next space.  The bathrooms and laundry have been recently renovated and are very nice.  We will be staying here for three nights and two days  Tomorrow we will ride the Hop on Hop off  trolley around St. Augustine.  We have been in St. Augustine and enjoyed the city so we are looking forward to.

I have been working on these blogs since 7:00 p.m. and it is now 11:30 p.m.  I am unhappy that I can't post some pictures.  For the rest of the trip I will make sure to use my camera for more pictures and keep working on correcting the problem I am having.  Time for bed.

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