Saturday, September 23, 2023

International Market World Flea and Farmers Market

Our plans for the day were to go with John and Family to a flea marked located near their home.  When we leave the campground, a medium in the highway won't allow us turn west so we turn east and go to the first stoplight to make a U-turn. Everyone make U-turns in Florida because they are legal.  Nearly everyday, there is a panhandler standing at the stoplight in the medium.  He has a very unique way to draw attention to himself and hopefully make some money.  I know it is hard to tell from this fuzzy picture but he dresses in a way that draws attention.  He wears a fluorescent green shirt, bright red hat, and uses a bright yellow sign to print his message. This man and the other I posted about are very creative in how they present themselves in order to attract attention and hopefully, donations.  Decatur panhandlers need to become more creative instead of their common, boring cardboard signs.

We walked through the flea market.  Anything you could want or need was here.  We saw refrigerators for $350.00, washers and dryers, t-shirts, DVDs, jewelry, huge tomatoes, just to name a few things.  Of course, they had food to eat so we sat by a cool lake at picnic tables to eat.  Aidan and Carol enjoyed sitting at the table together.  Carol had a Cuban Sandwich and Aidan a cheeseburger.  They said both were good.

The lake was not only pretty to look at but gave off a cool breeze.

We saw 7-8 large turtles and lots of fish near where we ate.  They were hoping for a crumb or two to be tossed their way.  Linda said there was even a alligator ore two that live in the lake.

We watched the circus.  It was no Ringling Brothers/Barnum and Bailey Circus but it was very entertaining and we enjoyed it.

This lady had three poodles who do tricks.

In addition to the poodles, she had a cat that did things like jump through a hoop.  I am amazed that she could teach a cat to do tricks.

There was a clown.

A pony performed tricks.

This man was a magician and he also did fire-eating tricks.

This man did a balancing act.

After the show Linda talked to one of her former students.  This picture shows Linda taking a picture of Katie, the former student, and his father who was the clown.

  This picture show Aidan, Linda, the former student and his father, the clown.  He liked the picture.
Following the circus, we hoped to see a traditional Florida show of alligator wrestling.  The man who did the show was a Seminole Indian and John and Linda had seen the show before.  We found out that they no longer have the show.  We were disappointed but the alligators were still there so we looked at them.

A sunset to end the day.

After shopping and eating, we went back do their house to relax.  Linda made a delicious super of pulled pork and Mexican street corn.  A co-worker of John's had baked a blackberry cobbler, so we had cobbler for dessert.  All was good.  Back to camp around 7:00.  Tomorrow, John and Family will be coming to the moetorhome for lunch.  It will be another good day of family time.

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