Monday, September 11, 2023

Heading South

 Plan A was to be on the road by 6:00 a.m.  Instead, we followed Plan B which was leaving at 7:00 a.m.  As it turned out Plan B was the best.  We had a nice easy drive on a beautiful day and we made it to Stoney Creek RV Park located about 50 miles south of Nashville on I-65 by 3:00 p.m. The day started out overcast so Carol didn't have to fight the sun.  By noon the sun was shining but it was overhead and did not bother us.

Not a spectacular sunrise but pretty enough for a picture before we headed south.

Here we are all hooked up and ready to pull out of driveway at 7:00 a.m.

We are not sure what county this was taken but it was near Mt Vernon, Illinois.  Each bridge/overpass had people waving American flags and some had fire trucks and/or ambulances.  Today is 9-11 so we believe these people were showing honor for the 9-11 victims.  They waved as the cars/trucks drove under the overlook.  We honked and waved back.  It was good to see this special way of remembrance of that day.  It made us feel united to these people and proud to be an American.  I just wish that feeling would translate to all Americans every day.  This country feels so divided.

Illinois State Police must have had a radar trap set up because we saw three trucks in a row on the side of the highway.

Bridge over the Ohio River means we are leaving Illinois and going into Kentucky.

Scenes along I-24 east

I love the rocks on the shoulders of the interstate.

We drove through lot of construction but when they are finished we will love the smooth pavement.

Remember that Metropolis is the home of Superman.

Always have to take a picture of the Batman building in Nashville.  The last time we came through here in the motorhome we had a two-hour traffic jamb to contend with but this time we drove through very smoothly.

This is a terrible picture but I have been trying to get this particular picture for several years of traveling south on I-57.  Previous times I forgot about this sign until it was too late and this time I had camera ready but it was set on manual and the setting wasn't correct.  It is a picture of the famous Beatle George Harrison.  His sister lived in Marion, Illinois and he visited her so the city put this sign up.  Can you imagine the famous George Harrison being in Marion, Illinois??

Time to close out this entry.  It has been very frustrating.  I am not a technology wiz and every year when I begin to post, I have to talk myself through the process.  The process is made harder because I now use pictures from my phone which means those pictures have to be downloaded to the "cloud" and then downloaded to this computer.  A smart person would do that with great ease but that is not me.  This summer, with the help of my grandson Hunter, I learned how and even wrote the steps on an index card to help to me.  However, it read like Greek when I picked up that card.  Finally, I was able to do it but then the internet connection was terrible and it kept kicking me off.  What would normally be a 30 minute task had taken me two hours!!  In past years, the process becomes easier as I do it every evening so I am counting on that happening again this year.

It was a good day and now that this entry is complete, I need to get busy on fixing supper for us and then relaxing the rest of the evening.  We did have to turn on the air conditioner after we got set up.  I am sure that will also be a normal occurrence when we are down in the south,

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