Sunday, September 24, 2023

Final Day in Winter Haven

Today is our last day in Winter Haven.   It was good to have time with John and Family.  I think we got to know the Florida Grandkids a little better and enjoyed being able to spend time with them.  I was up early because I needed to catch up on my laundry.  I was rewarded with this beautiful sunrise.

Another reward was having a lizard keep me company in the shower room.  He seemed unfazed by the fact that I was invading  his space.  Lizards are plentiful here in this part of Florida.  Yesterday at John's House, his cat escaped to the outside and caught a lizard.  One of the kids let her back in and, of course, she brought the lizard in with her.  It was a little chaotic for awhile as John and the kids chased the cat who was holding tightly to the lizard.  John finally caught her, took her back outside, and managed to convince her to drop the lizard. Lizards in the house are common place in Florida.

John and Family came to the motorhome for lunch today.  It was a pleasant day temperature-wise so we were able to eat outside.  After visiting and saying our goodbyes, Linda snapped this picture with of our Florida Grandkids, Aidan and Katie.   Katie graduates from high school in May and we plan to be at the graduation.   That will mean two of our four grandkid will be out of high school.  Where has the time gone?  

After they left, Carol and I relaxed and then began the task of pack-up preparation.   We only have 275 miles to drive to Everglade National Park and we can't check in until 3:00 p.m. so there is no big hurry. Information from the park says that the campground we are staying in only has AT&T  cell service and we have Verizon so no internet for us and possibly no telephone service. This may be the last blog I write until Friday when we will have moved to St. Augustine.  I don't know what I will do with all my evening time!!  It would be nice to sit outside and observe nature, the stars and the moon but the literature also says mosquitoes are very, very plentiful, so I don't think we will be sitting outside in the evenings.  All our observations will have to take place during the daytime so we can hopefully avoid the mosquitoes.

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