Tuesday, September 12, 2023



Going to start today's blog with a couple of pictures and comments about last evening.  After I completed my blog for yesterday and we ate supper, we took a walk around the campground.  When we had Sandy with us, we did that every evening; however, without her we have let that habit lapse.  I can't blame it all on not having Sandy.  Part of the reason was knee problems but now with each of us having one new knee, there really is no excuse not to take a walk in the evening.  When we got back from the walk, it was so nice outside that we sat outside and just enjoyed the beauty of God's World and relaxed.  It was so peaceful.  When it got dark, we went inside, turned on the music and read until bedtime.  It felt like so many other normal evenings in the campground from year's past.  After Covid, the world went crazy and things seemed to get turned upside down but last night for just one evening, things seemed normal.  It felt so good and comfortable.

Now on to today.  We went to bed at 10 and didn't wake up until nearly 7:00 a.m.  For some reason we sleep better in the motorhome.  At home Carol would or I would have been up by five or six.  We took our time, ate breakfast, and were packed up to leave by 8:15.

Scenes along I-65 south

Alabama is proud of it's connection to the space program.  This 
 rocket is at the Welcome Center Rest Area.  The rest area is closed so I had to take a quick picture.  Huntsville is nearby and is the location of the US Space and Rocket Center.  Hunter has a friend who is attending the University of Alabama Huntsville so we "waved" at him.
The Tennessee River

As we were traveling along at 65 MPH, someone three cars in front of us decided without warning to slow down to a crawl which caused the cars behind it to find extra strength to put on their brakes.  I had both my feet pressed into the floorboard and I know Carol was pushing as hard as he could.  It was a miracle all the cars behind didn't slam into the pesky car at the head of the line.  We came awfully close to having the car in front of us in our front grill!  Carol says people like that shouldn't have driver's licenses.

We needed gas and what better place to fill up than Buc-ees.  They are set up for 100+ cars and trucks and the convenience store makes other service station stores look mini,

We bought lunch there and ate in the motorhome.  We had burritos and pudding in a cup.
  Carol had banana pudding and I had coconut cream....ummmm good!
Part of I-65 near Montgomery is named for Hank Williams and his song "The Lost Highway."  Hank Williams is buried in a cemetery at Montgomery.  If we ever go through here with a car, we plan to look up his grave.

It had been a beautiful day but in the afternoon, the clouds began to gather.  By the time we got to Dothan, it began to rain.  Fortunately it wasn't a hard rain but it brought with it humidity.

Our campground for the night.  It is a very nice campground.  All the sites have concrete pads and the bathrooms/showers are premier.  Each unit contains a toilet, sink, and huge walk-in shower.  Everything is tiled and clean.  Out of the 62 sites only seven are occupied.  
We are in site 1A.  It is the first site in this row and we don't have anyone camped beside us so it is great.

The driver is taking a much needed rest in the shade.

There are too many trees for a complete sunset picture.

Along with this campground, there is a bingo hall and amphitheater for live shows.  It should be a very quiet night.  Tomorrow we will finally be in Florida.

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