Friday, September 17, 2021

2021 Fall Trip - R.I.P Sandy

We are taking our annual fall trip but this one will be different because Sandy won't be with us.  Every year for the last three years, I have asked for prayer for Sandy that she would be able to make the trip and she did.  We got to take her one final time to Turkey Run in November last year.  However, in early December, it was obvious to us that her health was so poor that we had to do the right thing and let her cross the "rainbow bridge."    This will be the first fall trip in many years, that she won't be with us.  She did love to travel with us in the motorhome and saw every state west of the Mississippi and some east in her travels.

When we would leave her in the camper, she would sit in my seat, look out the window and wait for us to come back.

The first few hours we traveled, she would be nervous and have trouble finding a spot in which to rest but eventually she would settle in one of the recliner chairs.

She was a good dog but we have to admit that traveling with a dog sometimes limits what you can do because it limits how much time you can leave the dog alone in the motorhome.  There were times when we could be somewhere doing something but would look at our watches and knew that we needed to head back to check on Sandy.  For now, as long as we are taking fall trips, we will remain dogless.  It will be hard because we love having a dog but will stay strong and not get one until we stop doing so much traveling.

We were both awake by 5:00 a.m. this morning so we got up and began to pack last minute things.  Carol and Jason put new wheel bearings on both tires of the car dollie last night.  It was 10:30 before they finished so we didn't load the car and had to do it this morning.

We pulled out of our driveway at 7:30 a.m.  We stopped in  Effingham for gas which was $3.13 per gallon.  Currently, in Decatur it is $3.35 a gallon.  Later we stopped in Oak Grove, Kentucky and gas was $2.99 per gallon.  We are hoping for under $3 a gallon gas for the rest of the trip.  

Things were going well until we hit Clarksville, Tennessee.  We were forced to a halt by bumper-to- bumper traffic.  We crept along traveling three miles in 30 minutes.  As with most traffic jams we are in, we could see no reason for the hold-up.  Traffic began to flow closer to Nashville but by then, it was the evening/Friday traffic and some rain.  Again, I am so glad that Carol is cool under pressure, he just kept prodding along, switching lanes when necessary to make it through Nashville.  There were a couple of times when we needed to be in another lane and I could see no opening in the traffic when all of a sudden, the car next to us would switch lanes opening up a small space for the motorhome to move into.  My response...thank you, God!  

We are camped at Texas T Campground in Tennessee but close to the Alabama border.  It is a small campground with long, level sites.  We got here at 6:00 p.m. having driven nearly 11 hours and 400 miles.  Normally, we can drive 400 miles in 8-9 hours.  It has been a long day and we are glad to be set up and relaxing.  Hopefully, because tomorrow is Saturday and we are not going through any huge cities like Nashville, we will make better time.  I foresee an early bedtime!

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