Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Company's Coming!

This was the morning view.  It is not specular but at least it was not raining.

After taking the eastern sky, I turned around and found a full moon of which to take a picture.  You can almost see the face of the man in the moon.

This is Site 65.  We like this site because it has three trees to give us some shade.  This  morning the trees were alive with cicada singing as we sat outside.  Sometimes it was almost deafening.

This was a lazy kind of day.  We did absolutely nothing.  Because the trees give us shade, it is nice to sit outside in the shade of the trees and relax.  We read, looked at our devices, etc.  After lunch, I worked on my company-is-coming meal of spaghetti, salad and garlic bread.  Dessert will be cookies from Publix. 

John and Family arrived at the site at 5:00 p.m.  We were going to eat outside but it rained.  John says that is not an uncommon thing in Florida.  Supper was moved inside.  We enjoyed each other's company and I think everyone had plenty of spaghetti.  After eating and more talk, they left to make it back home before it got too dark.  It was a quiet day, but an enjoyable one.  It has been raining off and on so we will stay inside and do more reading.


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