Thursday, September 23, 2021

A Day with Aidan

 This morning when we got up our plans were to drive an hour south of here to Highland Hammock State Park.  As we were preparing to leave, I got a text from John asking about our plans.  He told us that Aidan was sick and could we spend the day with him so John could go to work.  Of  course, we said.  Highland Hammock State Park  could wait another year.  

We spent the day with Aidan.  We watched DVDs together and he played on my phone and the I-Pad.  We took him to Wendy's for lunch.  He was very good and we enjoyed being with him.  We were sorry he didn't feel the best.

Aidan's birthday was last week but his family birthday party was tonight.  The last time we had been at Aidan's birthday party, he was three years old.  Now he is a big 13!  His cake was chocolate with peanut butter/ chocolate icing...delicious!

This is such a good picture of Aidan Matthew Mulvany.  I love that curly hair!

This is where John works.  His office is behind one of these sets of windows.

Carol enjoyed loving and petting John's dog Pixie.  She is a good dog who spent most of the day stretched out on the couch soaking up the petting.

As we were driving home this evening, I snapped a quick picture of the sky.  

We got home around 8:30 p.m.  It was a long day but a good one.  We don't get to spend as much time with our Florida grandkids as we would like so we were glad we were able to today.

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