Sunday, September 19, 2021

Inverness, Florida

 Actually on the road by 7:20.  It was an overcast day so when we headed east on I-10 in Florida we didn't have to fight the sun in our eyes.  We were glad there was no heavy rain although we did drive through some mist.  We stopped in Tallahassee for gas at a Flying J.  It was a little higher...$2.92 which is still less than in Decatur.

We are at Holder Mine Campground just outside of Inverness, Florida.  We are in site #26 which is the same one as last year.  The road to the campground was much smoother than last year but it was just as humid so we were dripping by the time we got set up.

I used Mapquest to route the trip from Dothan, Alabama to Inverness, Florida.  I had assumed that the best way would be to take I-10 to I-75 and then US 44 back to Inverness.  When I actually looked at the directions, I found that we were routed another way.  Looking at the paper map, I saw that this was a four-lane divided highway through rural Florida and a few little towns.  We decided to give it a try.  The route was known as the  Florida-Georgia Parkway or Route US 19.   It was very nice.  Many times the southbound side of the highway was a tunnel of trees like above.

We did have rain.  We could see the rain in the distance long before we actually drove into it.  Fortunately, it did not last long.

We made it to the campground around 2:30, set up and then headed to Jim and Karen Peyton's home.  We always enjoy visiting with them and catching up in our lives and the lives of our kids and grandkids.  They always ask us to park our motorhome in the  extra lot next to their home and next year we will do that.  Before we felt that we needed to be parked somewhere with 50 amp power so we could run air conditioning for Sandy.  We ate supper at a Mexican restaurant.  It was very good and then back to their house for dessert and more good conversation.

We arrived back at camp at 10:00 and found the gates to the campground locked.  Fortunately,  we are camped in the last spot by the gate so we parked right by our motorhome on the other side of the fence.  We were able to squeeze through the gate and gate post and get into the camper.  

It was nice to be able to spend time with Jim and Karen.  Tomorrow we are going to meet them for breakfast and then be back at the campground around 11 to pack up and drive the 100 miles to Winter Haven.  It rained some today but not like Saturday.  Hopefully, it dries out while we are here.

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