Sunday, September 26, 2021

Final Day with John and Family

This is what you see if you are up at 6:30.  

We went to John's house so we could have lunch with them one last time for this visit.  We have been to Big Tom's Diner before and know how good and generously proportioned the food is.  The place was crowded but that only proves how good the food is.  Everyone had something different and everyone said their choice was delicious. 
Carol had chicken and dumplings, cole slaw, a salad, and cinnamon apples.  

After lunch we went back to John's to relax.  Linda helped me with some computer problems I had been having.  

Here is a great picture of John, Aidan, Katie, and Linda and as a bonus Pixie is included (sort of).


This is a picture of Carol and Pixie taken this afternoon.  Evidently, petting Pixie puts someone to sleep...and it isn't Pixie!

Grandpa, Katie, Aidan, and Grandma.

We said our final goodbyes and headed back to the motorhome so we could begin the packing-up process.  When finished, we sat on the patio and enjoyed a nice breeze and a beautiful sunset.

This has been a nice week of being with John and His Family.  We have been busy but we have also had time to sit on the patio and relax.  Tomorrow we will have one last night in Florida before we spend three nights around Natchez, Mississippi.  

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