Monday, September 20, 2021

Goodbye Friends, Hello Family

All this driving must have caught up with us because we slept in this morning...if you call sleeping until almost 7:00 sleeping in?  It was nice and cool in the motorhome and that added to the good sleeping.  It had rained during the night and this morning we woke up to a beautiful rainbow.

It was only the leg of a rainbow but still pretty.

Site 26 which is the same one we stayed in last year.

The sky as we left the campground.

The view from our campsite.

This campground is filled with huge live oak trees and draping moss.

We went to Jim and Karen's at 8:30 and then drove to Mama's Country Kitchen for breakfast. The portions were huge and the food delicious.  In addition to good food, we had more good conversations.  We all went back to the campground so Jim and Karen could see the inside of our motorhome. It was great visiting with them and we have told them that next year we will park our motorhome in the vacant lot by their house and stay with them.  They have a beautiful house with a guest bedroom that will be waiting for us.   We finally got packed up and on the road by noon.  It rained lightly while we were packing up but we didn't even need rain ponchos.

We made good time and the traffic was not overwhelming like it was last year and the best part was that it didn't rain.  We pulled into Cypress Campground around 3:00 p.m.  We took our time setting up because we will be here for a week.  We are in spot 65 which is flat enough that the camper is level without any additional blocks.  The site is long enough to leave the dolly attached and we can park the car in the grass beside the dolly.  The campground seems fuller than last year.  The site to the north of us has an RV permanently set up and no one is in it.  The site to the south is empty so we don't seem crowded.

After setting up and relaxing a bit, we drove to John and Linda's and for hugs and visits, returning to camp around 8:30.  We are looking forward to staying put for a week.  I am sure the motorhome will appreciate the time off!


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