Sunday, August 22, 2021

Turkey Run - August 11

Headed out to hike a little later than yesterday.  We slept in.  We decided to take a trail that went east to an old coal mine, followed the banks of Sugar Creek and ended at the Lusk House before turning back west to the suspension bridge.

This trail was requested by Keegan because he wanted to see the coal mine.  This coal mine was used by the Lusk Family to provide coal for their use.  The mine opening can be seen behind the boys.  It is closed now and only occupied by bats (we didn't see any!)

The trail weaved its way through heavy foliage along the river.  We spotted this beautiful butterfly.
Seeing this snake was a first for us.  We have hiked the trails for many years and never seen a snake.  This morning Keegan spotted a snake on the trail.  He always hikes ahead of us.  The snake may look small in this picture but, believe me, it was long and black and we were glad that it disappeared into the rocks and woods off the trail.

This is the Narrows Covered  Bridge.   It is one of the many covered bridges in Parke County, Indiana but the only one in the park itself.

This is the Lusk House. The original owner,  Captain Lusk, served in the military with William Henry Harrison and fought at the battle of Tippecanoe.  Captain Lusk was awarded the acreage this house sits on because he had served and fought with President Harrison.  The house was built completed in 1841. The family donated the land on which Turkey Run sits.
The hikers decided to "sit a spell" on the porch.  It felt good to rest and cool off before hiking the trail back to the suspension bridge.

As we were climbing the final hill up from the river, we met an old man with a cane walking down toward the river.  I told the man that there was a bench on which he could rest when he reached the bottom.  He told me he was 95 years old and had walked this hill many years.  We talked to him a few minutes.  He had a very interesting life.  He told us we needed to travel the western part of the United States for some beautiful scenery and hikes.  We definitely agree with him.  We returned to camp for lunch and rested awhile before going to Rockville for ice cream.  The ice cream tasted very good on this hot day.  We ended the day with the traditional s'mores, games and a couple of chess games for Hunter and papaw.


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