Wednesday, September 26, 2018

White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

It was about an two hour drive to White Sands but it was all interstate driving the miles went quickly.
I think the mountains along the interstate are so beautiful.

It started out to be a cloudy day. These clouds hung low over the tops of the mountains.

This is a border patrol checkpoint.  As  you drive through, several cameras are watching you and your car.  Carol and I tried to look like the normal tourists that we are.  This checkpoint was on US 70 east and we drove through another one on I-25 North.

A dog was on patrol at this checkpoint.  He was beautiful and I love dogs but I restrained myself from taking a picture.  I didn't want to bring any unnecessary attention to us.  The agent looked at us and asked if we were U.S. citizens.  We answered that we were and he motioned us to drive on.

This billboard was at the exit point of the checkpoint.  Anyone need a job?

This little guy was at the parking area of one of the trails we took.

There is water at White Sands and these pictures are the proof of that.

This white sand is fine particles of gypsum which makes it different from most sand dunes and gives it its white color.    When the sun is shining, like today, it is beautiful.

Park service personnel plow the sand from the roads, just like we would plow snow.

This lizard is called a whip tail.  I think he is very pretty with his blue tail and head.

This is the third lizard that we saw and that, other than birds, was all the wildlife we saw today.

Some people used sand boards to surf the dunes.

There were several area for picnickers complete with tables and sun shields.

Carol climbed to the top of one big dune and waved at me for this picture.

After we left White Sands we drove back to our campsite but first we stopped at Hatch, New Mexico to check out a gas station or two.  It is always good to know in advance if we can get the motorhome into that station.  We discovered that Hatch is famous for its red and green chili farms.  They claim to be the chili pepper capitol of the United States.

This is our last night at Caballo State Park.  We have really enjoyed  camping here.  We love spot #36.  Our patio area is so secluded.  After supper we sat out here and enjoyed the views and wonderful weather.

Tomorrow is a driving day.  We will be camping in a KOA about 75 miles east of Tuscon. 

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