Sunday, September 16, 2018

Pikes Peak or Bust

Up early headed for Pikes Peak by 7:30 a.m.  It had been several years since we went up Pike's Peak and changes have been made.  Now there is a charge of $15 per person to drive the road to the top.  Also, there is a lot of construction being done at the top so you can no longer drive up all the way.  At the 16 mile marker, you have to park and then be shuttled to the top.

Who knew that Santa had a workshop in Colorado Springs, Colorado?

The aspens were beginning to turn golden.

We made it to the top.  Both of us felt very lightheaded so we didn't stay long.

The view from the top was spectacular.

We had planned to take the cog railroad to the top instead of driving, but the cog has been temporarily closed.  Tentative plans are for it to reopen in 2020.

As we drove back down the Pike's Peak Highway, we saw several bicyclists.  This fellow had a different view from the other riders.

We got to the bottom of Pike's Peak about 11:00 so we decided to go to the Garden of the Gods.  We had never been there.  This is balancing rock.  The picture is self-explanatory. Garden of the Gods is very beautiful and the best part is that it is all FREE.  The owner of the property loved it so much and he himself coined the name "Garden of the Gods."  He donated the land with the Garden of the Gods to the city of Colorado Springs with the stipulation that it be opened to the public at no charge ever.  The park is a maze of trails among the rock formations.  

We drove the paved loop road two times and could never find a parking place.  This is Saturday and it was a beautiful day and it seemed that everyone chose Garden of the Gods to  make a  visit.  Finally, we gave up on a parking spot and decided to return early tomorrow morning.  The park opens at 5:00 a.m.  We won't be there that early but hope that we can be there early enough to snag a parking space so we can hike a few trails.

We went back to the camper to rest and give Sandy some company.  We contacted our friends Bill and Erica Somers and we all decided to eat at a German restaurant this evening.  Carol and I had never had German food so we asked Bill and Erica for suggestions.  Erica is German.  

The restaurant and food was wonderful.  There was a young man dressed in traditional German clothes playing an accordion.  It was a family restaurant where Bill and Erica were very well known.  We definitely would eat at a German restaurant again!

This is Bill and Erica.  Bill and Carol's brother, Don, are good friends from high school.  Carol was probably a pesky younger brother to Don and Bill.  We got reacquainted with them when we went to Louisiana in the winter a couple of times.  After supper, they came back to the motorhome for some more good conversation.  It was a very enjoyable evening.

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