Tuesday, September 18, 2018

On the Seventh Day We Rested

Today was a very slow moving day unlike the last two we have had.  Our next stop was only 90 miles away and we couldn't check into the campground until 1:00 p.m. so we had time to kill.  We leisurely packed things up and between the packing, we sat in our chairs outside the RV enjoying the peace and quiet.  We pulled out of the KOA at 10:45 a.m. heading south on I-25.  At 11:45 we were only 20 miles from our stop so we pulled into a rest area and again we rested for 45 just killing time.
This was the view as we drove south on I-25.

Site #98 at Lathrop State Park, Colorado.  This is the view west from our motorhome.  We only have 50 amp service, no water or sewer hook up but we are use to having only electricity.  The electricity is the most important thing because the temps are near 90.  Fortunately the humidity is only 17 percent.  Mornings and evenings will be nice.

A view of the Spanish Peaks from our site.

We were set up by 2:00 p.m.  We turned on the air conditioners and rested (again) in our recliners.  A short nap felt good.  This day was very uneventful but much needed after the last two days of sightseeing we have had.

Just a couple of notes for my journal.  Colorado Springs has lots and lots of homeless people.  They stand on street corners with their cardboard signs in their hands asking for money for food.  Yesterday, as we were driving back to Bill and Erica's neighborhood, we saw one standing on the corner by a stoplight.  He had the usual sign asking for money for food.  While we were waiting at the light, he walked away to a stash of food from McDonald's and had a hamburger to eat.  He has hiding the sandwich between bites behind his sign.  Evidently, he was looking to future times when he would be hungry.

In Colorado Springs, we saw a "Neighborhood Walmart."  It was very small and, we think, probably only carried food.  I wonder if this is a new area Walmart is getting into.  They would be scaling back from their Super Walmarts to smaller neighborhood-type stores and only carry a limited amount of  items.

The last thing is that I learned what the word Colorado means.  It means the color red.  It was a good choice in a name since so much of the land and rocks are red.

We will rest the rest of the day, eat supper, take Sandy for a walk around the campground and watch a DVD before entering into the final rest of the day.  Tomorrow it will be more sightseeing at either Great Sand  Dunes National Park or Capulin Volcano National Monument.  We haven't decided which we will visit first.

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