Monday, September 24, 2018

I Have Internet!!

Within 15 minutes of leaving the KOA, I had internet.  As soon as we got through Albuquerque, I starting catching up my blog and managed to get two posted before my computer's battery went out.  We only had 225 miles to drive and we could not check-in at the campground until 4:00 p.m.  so we took our time.  We didn't leave the KOA until 10:30 and took an hour and half lunch break in a rest area.  The rest area we stayed in was very unique.  Everything, except the restrooms, were on platforms with ramps leading to them.  The picnic tables were in small buildings on these platforms.  At first we thought it was because of rattlesnakes because there were warning about their presence.  We found out that this rest area is located in a wildlife sanctuary and the platforms were for viewing wildlife and birds.  It was really different.
We got to Caballo Lake State Park at exactly 4:00 p.m. and found our spot #36.  I was really nervous about the campground because it had been so long since I had made the reservations and didn't know what it would be like.  The information I received with the reservation had said it had only 30 amps and no water sites.  The one thing I did know was that it was a pull-through spot.  We were pleasantly surprised because it does have a water hook-up and a great view.  We only have 30 amps so we are only running one air conditioner at a time and keeping the water heater on propane to help stay 30 amps or less.  This is a picture of our view.

We enjoyed sitting outside watching the sun go down and the way the mountains changed in color.  We turned on the one air conditioner but sat outside where there was a breeze blowing making us comfortable.  So far, there are only two other campers in this loop.  We like that. We also like the scrubs that enclose our patio area.  We feel alone in the campground.  It should be quiet and no interstate noise.

The day ended with a full moon.

It is supposed to get up to 88 tomorrow but down to 60 tonight.  I think we will turn off the air conditioner and open windows hoping to catch some of this breeze that blows.  

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