Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Old Friends

This picture was taken in March, 1966.  Both young men were 20 years old and in the Air Force stationed at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.   Carol is the one in the dark pants and Dan Warner is the other.  Their friendship began when they were stationed together.  
Here they are 51 years later and still friends.
Dan and his wife Linda Warner

The four of us at Crater Lake National Park, Oregon.

Carol and I got married in 1966 and Dan and Linda were married a year or two later.  Both guys were stationed at Offutt AFB for four years.  At the end of that time, Carol and I went back to Illnois and Dan and Linda went to California first and then settled in Oregon.  They visited us one time after we moved to Lakeland Road in 1974 and we visited them in California in 1977 but we have not seen each other since 1977.  We do exchange Christmas cards and letters every year.

When we began planning this trip, we knew if we were going to Crater Lake we would stop by and visit Dan and Linda.  Today was the day that we met for the first time in 40 years.  It was a fun day of visiting, getting reacquainted and catching up.

They live in Chiloquin a little town 30 north of Klamath Falls.  This morning they drove down to Klamath Falls and we went out for breakfast.  After breakfast, we drove to their home and met the rest of their current family...two dogs and six cats.  We loaded up in their car and they took us to Crater Lake National Park.

When we left their house it was around 40 degrees but when we arrived at Crater Lake, the temperature had dropped to 34 and it was snowing.  It was so pretty.

The Rim Road was closed because of road construction.  We would have been able to see the lake and Wizard Island from the Lodge but the snow was coming down so hard that we couldn't see the lake.  It was still wonderful to be there when it was snowing.  The trees were so beautiful loaded down with fresh snow.
This fireplace in the lodge was warm and inviting.  

The altitude at Crater Lake is 7,000.  It was amazing that when we left there and dropped down to 4,000 at Dan and Linda's, the sun came out and it was like we were 1,000 miles away.

This is what the area looks like away from the park.

I am not sure what the name of this mountain is but it stands tall as you look south from Klamath Falls.

I had to add this picture even though it is out of order.  He got covered with snow just walking from the parking lot to the door of the lodge.   He is the first snowman of the season.

We left Dan and Linda at their house and drove back to Klamath Falls.  We will meet them for an early supper tomorrow to say our final goodbyes.   I am not sure what we will do tomorrow.  We may just rest or take a couple of drives around this part of the state.  There is so much to see and who knows if we ever come back here.  It was a great day.

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