Friday, September 29, 2017

A Day with Katie and Aidan

This morning we were up by 5:00 a.m.  because we needed to be at John's house by 6:30.  Katie and Aidan were out of school today and both mom and dad had to work so Grandpa and I stayed with the kids.  John and Linda needed to leave their home by 7:00 a.m. so we needed to be rolling by 6:00 a.m. to be there before they needed to leave. It was dark when we left the campground.

We had a good day being with the kids.  We don't get to do this very often and were glad to be able to help them out.  Both Katie and Aidan were good.  Isn't that the way it always is?  Kids are better behaved for others than for mom and dad.  Linda got home at 3:30 and we went to the camper to see Sandy.  By the time we made it back, she had been in the camper 10 hours.  She was fine but excited to take a walk.

John and family made it to the campground and set up their tent.  It has warmed up.  When we left their house, the thermometer in our car showed 60 degrees.
As we were driving back to the campground, some light was beginning to show above the mountains.  That is a good sign for a better day tomorrow.

The brightness continued to grow.

Finally, we saw blue skies.  It has been five days since we have seen the blue sky.  It was so pretty.

We had a fire tonight.  It was so nice to sit around the fire and talk.  It was a little chilly but not uncomfortable.  It wasn't long before everyone relaxed to the point of realizing they were tired so off to bed they went.  Hopefully, tomorrow the morning will arrive with blue skies and sunshine.

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