Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A Quiet, Rainy Day

We woke up this morning to rain.  Because it was raining, we decided to do some grocery shopping and rest around the camp until suppertime with John, Linda and the kids.  We headed for everyone's favorite grocery store...the Walmart.  This one is huge.  It is much bigger than either of the two in Decatur and it was set up differently so we had to take our time to find what we needed.  Of course, we spent some time looking before checking out.

We decided to eat an early lunch out.  We ate at a Smashburger.  We had never heard of it and wanted to try something different.   They serve hamburger patties in four styles:  beef, chicken, turkey, and veggie.  You can have anything on the pattie with a special Smashburger sauce and, then it is served on their onion bun.   We aren't very adventuresome when it comes to hamburgers, so we both got the beef.  The sandwiches were very good.  They give you a number and bring your food to the table on mini-medal serving trays.  They picked up the trays when you are finished.  It was basically a hamburger place with a touch of class.

When we got home, I put groceries away and then we both got comfortable in our recliner chairs, relaxing, reading, and napping.  It continued to rain so we took the time to rest our bodies.  Almost every day of this trip, we have been busy either driving between places or driving to see places.  Seldom did we spend the entire day doing nothing.  It felt good.

Finally, about 4:00 p.m. it stopped raining and I took Sandy for a walk, and then snapped a few pictures along the walk.
It really is a pretty lake.  In season, you can swim and fish in the lake.

There is a concrete path around a good part of the lake.  People jog, walk, and walk their dogs.  It is nice to walk on an even surface in such a pretty surrounding.

We do have a view of the mountains in the distance.  

On the way to John and Linda's we passed this Latter Day Saints church.  It is very impressive.  After dark, it is all lit up.

We enjoyed a nice supper with John, Linda and the kids at their apartment. Spent the evening talking and enjoying each other's company before heading back to camp.  It still is not raining; although, more rain is in the forecast.  We have decided that we are going to Rocky Mountain National Park tomorrow rain or shine.  We are hoping for sun but will be happy with overcast.  Going to the park means one more day of posting pictures of mountains!

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