Sunday, September 24, 2017

Goodbye Nevada, Hello Utah

Up and moving by 8:00 a.m.  As we traveled east on I-80 we discovered that Nevada is beautiful.  Who knew?  We certainly didn't.  We expected to spend the day driving east on a road barren of scenery.  We were so wrong.  I-80 through Nevada had high, snow-covered mountains.  It is called the high desert.  The motorhome pulled us up and over 5,000, 6,000 and 7,000 feet high passes.

If this landscape had been red,  I would have thought I was in Southern Utah.

I can't resist a high flying American flag.

Now we start to see snow on the mountains.

This is the Ruby Mountain Range in Nevada.  Mountains in this range are 11,000 feet plus.

It took us 50 miles to get around the Ruby Mountain Range.

We saw  some of these mini-tunnels being constructed over the interstate.  As far as we could see, there is no road on top of the tunnels.  We were in an area marked for heavy deer crossings so we wondered if these were bridges for animals to cross the interstate.

We did pass through an area where the snow was close to the road.

This is a rest area that marks a 7,000 mountain pass.  We could see the snowy mountains as we ate our lunch.

As we neared the state line, we saw the final snow-covered mountains and the road flattened out.

This looks like snow but it is the salt flats of Western Utah

The  salt flats give way to more snow-covered mountains as we got nearer to Salt Lake City.

The Great Salt Lake.

As we traveled east, we could see clouds on the mountains and by the time we got to Salt Lake City, it began to rain.  We checked into our KOA   and set up in the rain.  We got to the KOA about 2:30 but because we crossed the time zone, it was 3:30.  I had lots of laundry to do so while it was raining, I did laundry.  This is a nice campground.  We actually have grass between the sites.  There are lots of amenities.  The only down side was that the staff was very unfriendly.   Maybe they had a stressful day.  We could take a free tour to Temple Square but we did that the last time we were here so we decided to pass on that.

All in all it was a another great day of travel.  It was 350 miles from Winnemucca to Salt Lake City and the scenery was so unexpected but beautiful.  Tomorrow we continue our journey and should be camping in Wyoming.

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