Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site

It was another great day.  Actually slept until 6:45.  Got up, had breakfast and went to The Grant-Kohrs Ranch Historic Site.  We had never heard of this place until I began to plan our trip.  Even then we didn't know much about it so when we stopped at the Visitor's Center, we really didn't know what to expect.  It turned out to be a very interesting plan to visit.  This historic site preserves the history of the "open range" style of ranching in the territory in the 1800's and cowboys during that time period.

The ranch house is located a short walk from the Visitor's Center.  We walked under two railroad tracks.  One of the tracks was a railroad siding for Kohrs to load his cattle for the Chicago Packing Houses.

This is a Beaver Slide Hay Stacker.   Hay was not bailed in this part of Montana.  Instead it was stacked in huge hay stacks.  This stacker is still being used on ranches in the area.

The ceiling in the carriage house.  The roof is made of small, uniform sized trees and then covered with tin.

This lady served Carol cowboy coffee and told us about the life of a cook and his chuck wagon on the range. 

Hay stack the Beaver Slide Hay Stacker makes.

We took a nature trail and saw two deer.

The ranch house.  The center of the house is the original house Johnny Grant built.  Mr. Kohrs added the left and right wings.
The formal living room.

The bedroom of a half brother who lived with Mr. Kohrs and helped with the ranch.   This was his room for 50 years.

This room was a gathering room for meetings Mr. Kohrs would have with other ranchers.

Formal dining room.

Stove used in the kitchen.

Carol especially liked this desk which is hinged in the center and folds up to lock away the drawers.

Master bedroom

Picture taken of a meeting of ranchers in the 1880's.  Mr. Kohrs is on the right with the white beard.  This picture can be compared to the one above showing that the furnishings are original.

We were so surprised at how much we enjoyed this site.    After the ranch we headed back into town to buy huckleberry ice cream.  It came highly recommended by the lady at the chuck wagon.  We each had a bowl when we got back to the RV.  It is delicious.  Huckleberries are highly coveted as food by bears and we could see why.  We relaxed at camp while I caught up with laundry.  

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