Sunday, September 24, 2017

Goodbye California, Hello Nevada

We wanted to get on the road but because of the way our campsite was situated, we were not able to hook up the car until this morning.  Quiet time didn't end until 8:00 a.m. so we didn't get on the road until 8:45 a.m    We sadly left this KOA and turned the motor home south on I-5.  Our goal was to make it to Winnemucca, Nevada. 

As we drove along, we saw signs for the "State of Jefferson."  Curious about what it could be, I looked their web site up and found that it is a movement to become the 51st state named Jefferson.  These people are unhappy with their legislators and government in California.  They are fed up with the high taxes (12 % income tax)  they have to pay and receive little for it.  They are fed up with politically correct laws and sanctuary cities.  Illinoisans...does that sound familiar?  I have often said that  Chicago should become its own state and leave downstate Illinois alone.  I always thought California, Oregon, and Washington was very liberal but there are plenty of people in those states who think like we mid-westerners.
All along I-5, the medium between the southbound and northbound was filled with huge flowing bushes.  Some of the blooms were red and some were white.  It was so nice to have this break between the roadway.

This part of California is farm land.  We played a guessing game of what was planted in each field.  Thankfully, the internet supplied most of the answers.  This part of California grows tomatoes for processing.  We saw truck after truck loaded down with tomatoes.  They also grow almonds, olives, walnuts and rice.

You know you are in California when you see palmtrees.

After the flat of I-5, the terrain changed when we got on I-80 East in Sacramento.

Once again, we called on the motor home to go up some bi.g mountains.  We went through Donner Pass.  We saw snow on the mountain tops so we knew we were climbing high.  One pass said we were at 6000 elevation.

Finally, we cross the state line and made it to Nevada.

We saw an old wooden railroad track.  The new track was right under the lane we were driving on and the old one was across the river that went through the valley.

This is Reno which is a mini-Las Vegas.

Almost every exit on I-80 in Nevada had a casino.

We liked the scenery .   We still had a few mountains but the highway mostly wound around them.  

This is the view from our KOA.  We finally arrived here at 6:30 and while Carol was setting up, I walked Sandy.  When I first saw these mountains, they were completely red but by the time I got back to the camper for my camera, the red was disappearing.  It was still pretty.

It was a long day.  We drove 475 miles in 10 hours.  This is a very nice KOA but we will move on tomorrow.  We didn't unload the car, so we should be able to get on the road a bit earlier.  Tomorrow's goal is Salt Lake City.

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