Sunday, September 10, 2017

Destination: Olympia Peninsula

We took our time getting packed and on the road for two reasons:  one, only had 250 miles to travel;   and, two, the guy camped in the next site had his truck parked where we couldn't get out.  We decided to let them sleep in before we asked him to move his truck.  Packed and truck moved, we pulled out at 8:45 a.m.  It was a nice day to drive. 
We followed this motorhome out of the KOA and for several miles on I-90.  There was a lot of road work but because it was Sunday, we didn't have any delays.  At one point, the left westbound lane was diverted to the left eastbound lane.  This meant that lane was two-lane traffic; however, the right westbound lane became the left lane and we only had one lane, one direction.  We had never encountered this but it was nice to not meet traffic coming your way.  
The clouds hung low over the mountains in the  Snoquamie Pass.  It was a beautiful drive.  The pictures show the beauty of the drive along with several of the bugs who collided with the windshield of the motorhome.

Look closely at this picture between Carol's profile and the pine tree and you will see Mount Rainier as we drove through Seattle.  We didn't see it that clearly when we were in the park.

The traffic in Seattle and Tacoma was terrible.  Carol was cool as a cucumber and made it through without a hitch.

We decided to take the 101 scenic byway from Olympia to Port Angeles.  It was a beautiful drive but very slow.  The road is two-lane and follows the shoreline of the Hood Canal.  We drove through many tiny towns on twisty roads.   There was quite a bit of traffic.   There were several places along the road for slower traffic to pull over and let faster cars/trucks pass.  There is a law out here that you must pull over in a designated area if your vehicle has five or more vehicles behind it.  Carol doesn't like to have more than a car or two behind him so he always tries to pull-over.   He is a courteous driver.  I think it is funny that there is a law to make people be courteous.

We arrived at the KOA about 3:00 p.m.  We asked the lady who checked us in if there were is a better way other than the 101. She said yes but it has more traffic.  We don't mind traffic.  It couldn't be any more than what we drove through in Seattle and Tacoma.

Our campsite.  It is nice and level.  There are no trees but it is cool so we won't mind a little sunshine on the camper.

This is a nice campground.  One of the best things about it is the view.   We were told that the mountains can be seen more clearly when there isn't so much smoke to cloud the mountains.

The motorhome has made 2,639 miles and we have driven 1,000 miles in our car.   When we leave here, we will go south and then turn it east.   When we leave here, our trip will be half over.   It has been great and we look forward to the rest of the trip.  Tomorrow we will explore Olympic National Park.

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