Saturday, July 14, 2018

Still Driving West

I think all had a good night's rest.  I know I did.  After showers we packed up and were on the road by 8:30.  As usual, I-80 is heavy with traffic.  Huge clouds filled the sky so for most of the day we drove without sun.  That is alright with us because it kept the motorhome cooler.  We were clicking right along when we ran into a big traffic snarl.  We heard that an accident up the way was the cause.
This is spot #36 Newton, Iowa KOA.  

Keegan has been waiting all day for Omaha.  We made here around noon.
A picture of the vlogger doing his thing.

We stopped for lunch at a rest area just outside of Omaha.  This is Nebraska.

Spot #5 at Grand Island, Nebraska KOA.  It is hard to tell from this picture, but the sites are very close.  As we were hooking electric and water up we were standing under the awning of the camper beside us.

The boys went swimming and Keegan jumped on his bike to explore the campground.  It has been a cooler day with less humidity and the best part is no rain.  Tomorrow will be our longest day.  I have estimated it is 400 miles to Boyd Lake State Park where we will stay for six nights.  Everyone is anxious to get there and see John and Family.

Check out Hunter's vlogs at Hunter Ozee on You Tube and don't forget to subscribe.

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