Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Bisons and Prison

We were so tired from the day in the mountains, that we all went to bed at 9:30 last night.  I think all rested well and didn't have to get up too early as we were not meeting the rest of the group until 9:00 a.m.  We piled into our vehicles and headed north on I-25 for Terry Bison Ranch.  The ranch is located on the Wyoming/Colorado stateline and is a working ranch.

At the ranch there was a stuffed bison and "jackalop" used for photos.  We took pictures of all the kids except Keegan.  He would not have his picture taken on either.

Katie on the bison.

Aidan on the bison.

Katie on the jackalop.

Keegan did allow this picture of him on the bison.

The big attraction at the Terry Ranch taking a train ride through the pastures where some of their bison graze..

Their are three cars to the train and each row on the car has a bucket of bison pellet to feed the bison.  The large herd were enjoying grazing on the grass and would not come near the train.  Finally one big fellow approached the car where we were riding.  A storm of pellets came from the riders but still only one bison stopped eating grass and came to the train cars.  Finally, an employee of the ranch rode a four-wheeler toward the herd and drove them nearer the train.  Some of the bison would take the pellets from your hand.

The ranch straddles the Wyoming/Colorado border.  This sign let us know that we were entering Colorado.

There were several moms and babies in the herd.

Here we are going back into Wyoming

This was the engine that pulled the train cars.  We were told that both the engine and the cars were made on the ranch.  They consist of old military vehicles.

After the ranch we ate lunch at a Wendy's before getting on I-80 west to Laramie.  I-80 is a beautiful drive.  It began to rain but the rain didn't last too long.  The temperature dropped from 90 to 70 which was okay with all of us.

More picture taking opportunities.  Above are Keegan and Hunter and below are Katie and Keegan. 
Butch Cassidy spent some time in this prison.  This is a picture of Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and their gang.

All four of the grand kids climbed inside this prison wagon.

John, Katie and Aidan in a "birdcage" where armed guards were stationed.

Hunter and Keegan in the birdcage.

Here all four kids agreed to get into one of the cells.

Apparently that rainstorm we drove through on the way to Laramie deposited hail in Laramie.  There were piles of hail all around the prison

Wyoming Territorial Prison.  I think it is very pretty for a prison  It was built with prison labor.

The mode of transportation in the 1880's.

Instead of taking interstate back to Fort Collins, we took US High 287.  There were many beautiful views along the way.

This is definitely cattle country.

Along the way we saw a few pronghorn antelope and these deer.    They were laying in the grass by the road.  I got out to get  picture and a passing car honked causing them to get up, jump the fence and go farther back into the pasture.

When we got back to Fort Collins, we ate supper at Totally 80's Pizza.  All the decorations and music are retro back to the 80's.  This is the time period when Kara, Jason, and John grew up in and they enjoyed seeing the pictures, etc from that time period.  An added bonus is the fact that the pizza is good as well.

We said our goodbyes for the night and went our separate ways.  It was a nice evening when we got back to camp so Carol and I sat outside while the boys rode their bicycles.  It has been another good day.

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