Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Family Fun Day

We met at John's at 10:30 before heading out to visit the Swetsville Zoo.  This zoo is filled with animals, insects, etc. but they are all made of scrap metal or anything else the artist could imagine into an animal.  Mr.  Swets is a very creative person and displays his "zoo" at no charge to visitors.  We enjoyed walking through his exhibits.  There was a directory of sorts that listed all his creation by name and number.  There were nearly 140 pieces of art.
We had been here before and Bob the Minion was not here at that time so the Swetsville Zoo is continuing to expand.

It was fun trying to name all the different parts used to create each piece.

The bodies of these blackbirds are the heads of shovels.

According to the sign this creature's name is Monica.  Jason is giving her the once over.

This serpent managed to catch Hunter's arm.

A beetle made of a Volkswagen Beetle.

This guy is playing golf.

The whole gang:  Grandpa, Hunter, Jason, Kara, Keegan, John, Aidan and Katie.
A big swatter is needed for this fly.

Fun on a hot summer day at the splash pad.

After the splash pad we all  returned to the campsite.  Aidan went down for a nap (not accomplished), Jason and Dad stayed with Aidan, and the rest of us went to the beach to swim or to watch swimmers. The beach area is very nice.  It has a huge sandy area and the water is very shallow for quite a ways out.  It was a good way to finish up a hot day.  At one time, the car thermometer read 93.  Back at camp we are supper together and enjoyed each other's company.  It is quiet with John and family and Kara and Jason gone.  It always seem to cool down despite the high temps in the daytime.  We can sit outside in the late evening.

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