Friday, July 20, 2018

Final Friday with Family

This morning I remembered to take a picture of our campsite, Number 53.    Even though the temperatures are hot during the day, it cools off in the evening and we can sit outside and enjoy nature.
We weren't meeting at John's until 1:00 p.m.  so this was a good morning to get caught up on my laundry.  Hunter will not stay the night with us or travel home with us.  He has to be back in Warrensburg so he can go to Lions' Vision Camp on Sunday.  Kara and Jason are planning to leave tomorrow morning and get home before 2:00 p.m. Sunday so he can go to camp.  I told Kara I would send him home with them with clean clothes.  Now we all have clean clothes and I won't be facing piles of laundry when we get home.
This a picture of Keegan and how he spends some of his time.  He watches YouTube videos.  Both the boys spend time on the I-pads.

This trip Hunter discovered the Old Maid card game.  In the evening, we would play Old Maid.  This picture shows how kids in the older generation would entertain themselves and how the kids of this generation do it.  Old Maid is very low tech and the I-pad is very high tech.  We had a lot of fun playing Old Maid with Hunter.  Sometimes Keegan would play.

A great picture of Pawpaw and the boys.

Memaw and the boys.

We bring the boys' bicycles and they enjoy riding around the campground.  The campground sits above the lake.  There are several dirt trails that lead from the campground down to a paved bike/jogging trail which goes to the beach and around parts of the lake.  The boys liked to ride down the dirt trail and slam on their brakes near the end of the trail causing skid marks on the concrete pavement.  Shortly after this picture was taken, the boys decided to race down the dirt trail two more times before we were to leave for John's apartment.  That was a bad mistake.  On Keegan's last trip down, he was going so fast that he was unable to stop at the concrete trail and he and his bike flew over the cliff down to the shore of the lake.  Between the top of the cliff and the shore were several large boulders and broken concrete slabs.  Thankfully, he missed most of the boulders and slabs and fell onto the beach but his  bike fell on top of him.  He came home with skinned up wrists and knees but otherwise unhurt.  I shutter to think of what would have happened had he hit the boulders/slabs.

A couple in a canoe stopped on the beach and helped get Keegan's bike up from the shore to the top of the cliff.  They also made sure he was okay.  I came down to check on them right before the man left.  The lady in the canoe said "He has a very nice big brother."  It just goes to show you that despite all the fighting and fussing, the Hunter does love Keegan.

A final family picture taken outside John's apartment.  Aidan was sleeping and missed the picture. 

Tomorrow we will pack up the motorhome and head east toward Decatur.  It has been a great week and I think everyone had a great time.  

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