Monday, July 16, 2018

Rocky Mountain High

Woke up to a foggy mist.  The forecast was for a sunny day and about the time we made it to the mountains, the mist had cleared and it was a beautiful day.   I am going to let the pictures tell the story of our day.
This was taken as we were driving through Big Thompson Canyon. 

The famous Stanley Hotel.  Supposedly, it is haunted.  Parts of the movie "The Shinning" was filmed here.

Father and daughter and an unnamed moose.

Keegan and Hunter.

Aidan, Keegan, and Hunter.

We drove the Trail Ridge Road to the Alpine Visitor's Center.  This picture of Hunter and Keegan taken from the overlook there.

Mom and her two sons.

The blogger and her honey.

At the Alpine Visitor's Center, there is a trail to the top of the peak there.  The elevation is 12,005.  The steps and trail were steep.  My body told me not to go up the trail.  My mind said you are still young and fit enough to make that climb.  My mind won that argument but I told Jason when I got down to not let me ever do that again.  It was quite a climb.  Everyone was huffing and puffing but Kara, Hunter and I made it to the top.  The view was worth the effort.  That will be the last time I do something that stupid (I hope!)

Kara and Hunter.  They look a whole lot better than I looked at the top.

The view from the top.

Another view from the top

The Vlogger practicing his trade.

This is the trail.  It doesn't look too bad.

A group picture.

A section of the Ridge Trail drive. 

We spent most of the day in the park but the weather forecast called for thunderstorms around 2:00 p.m. so we headed back to Estes Park for some food and shopping.  The rain finally hit Estes Park around 4:30 which ended our day.  We parted company and all went our separate ways  It was a great day.  We enjoyed each other's company and saw some of God's beautiful creation.  Hunter and Keegan were very impressed with the park.  We made it back to camp about 6:00 p.m.  This left time for some bike rides and rock throwing into Boyd Lake.  About 8:30, the sky gave us a beautiful sunset.  Keegan made a new friend and he played with him until way past dark.  All are settled in for the night.

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