Thursday, July 19, 2018

A Sweet but Hot Day

We let the boys sleep until nearly 8:00 a.m.  Our plan for the morning was to drive to Denver to tour the Hammond Candy Factory.  After breakfast, at 9:15 we hit the road.  The traffic was normal for Denver...lots of vehicles.  It took us about an hour to get to the exit for the candy factory.  The factory sits in the middle of a block surrounded by other industrial buildings.  We drove by it but couldn't see it because of the building surrounding it.  Finally, we found it.

Santa endorses this candy factory.

We took the tour.  On the tour they explained that the candy in this factory is made entirely by hand.   The candy is sold worldwide but is only manufactured in Denver.  Originally, the factory made hard candies like candy canes and lollipops but the company has brought out other manufacturers and brought their candy lines into theirs so they make chocolate bars, taffy, and popcorn, too.  The next three pictures show the process of working with the candy after it has been cooked.

This is an original delivery truck in the early fifties.  Both of the boys enjoyed the tour and especially liked the candy store!

This was the temperature at 2:00 p.m. today.   this 100 did not feel as hot as the 90 with 70 percent humidity we get in Illinois.  We spent part of the afternoon with John, Katie, and Aidan.  After supper with them we came back to camp and the boys went swimming.

We were rewarded on this very hot day with a beautiful sunset.

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