Saturday, July 21, 2018

Leaving Colorado

After saying our goodbyes to John and Family and Kara and Family, we returned to camp around 4:00 p.m.  We relaxed before today's drive.  Just about every day around 7:00 p.m. the wind would pick up and it would be very pleasant to sit outside.  Today, however, that did not happen.  Also, the sunset was much more subdued.  It was pretty but not as spectacular as previous evenings.  Still, it was pleasant enough to be outside and watching the sun as it went down and the clouds playing its part in the sunset over the Rocky Mountains.  Knowing this would be the last evening in Colorado, I wanted a few pictures anyway.

We got up at 6:30 hoping to be on the road by 8:00 a.m. and we made that goal.  The skies were clear but it seems that the mountains are always hazy.

There is a small section of the scenery between Ft. Collins and Cheyenne that changes from flat to these rock formations.  In the distance a small bison on a mesa hill can be seen.

We have seen this each time that we come to Ft. Collins.  We were told that this metal bison contains radio antenna.  I don't know if that is true. 

We were in three states today:  Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska.  Driving went smoothly.  We stopped at the same Sapp Brothers Station in Sydney, Nebraska as we had on the way out.  There is a small truck parking area between the station and a McDonald's,  so we ate lunch there.  What a treat for me.  Carol hates McDonald's so I rarely get to eat in one but on this trip, I have eaten in TWO!
Keegan and I went to the pool while Carol stayed at the camp and read.  The water was cold so we didn't stay long.  We have not watched any television and only listen to XM radio so we don't know what is going on in the world.  Someone did tell us that Iowa had been hit with terrible tornadoes.  We have had great weather despite the temperatures. It was low humidity which made it bearable.  Not sure what we will be getting when we get back to Illinois.  Tomorrow will be a shorter day.  We are only traveling 300 miles.

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