Saturday, March 19, 2016

We Are on Our Way: March 15, 2015

We were up and on the road by 6:30.  Stopped at South Shores Circle K for breakfast.  Hunter is already watching u-tube videos.  We are giving him 2 hours of Internet in morning and afternoon.  How times have changed.  When our kids traveled with us, they had to actually watch the scenery, read or sleep.  It is a nice day to drive. We made it to Omaha around 3:00 and that was with only one stop for gas and lunch.  We drove by the aquatic center where the Olympic swim trials will be held in June.  Hunter and Kara will be here for three days of that.

We stopped at the Strategic Air and Space Museum just outside of Omaha.  It was a good break from hours of driving.  Hunter seemed to enjoy it.  We  arrived at our motel The Victorian Inn in York, Nebraska about 6:00.  It is a nice motel for a reasonable price.  Ate supper at The Kitchen.  Food was good but the server was so slow.  After waiting for several minutes for different things, we were glad to get our check and go back to our room but then, the server asked us if we wanted any drinks to go and Papaw spoke without thinking about the time factor and asked for a glass of tea to go.  It blew the minds of Hunter and I to think that Papaw would want to sit another 15 minutes to wait for a drink to go.  Finally, we got up to go without the drink but the server saw us get up and hurried to get Papaw's drink.  Hunter and I are still laughing!

Hunter took a a quick swim and to bed at 10:00.  It was a long but good day.
Sunrise north of Decatur.  Looks like a beautiful day.

The place in Omaha where the 2016 Olympic Swim try outs will be held.

The Strategic Air and Space Museum

What Hunter would look like if he were an astronaut.

Hunter enjoyed being a pilot in this cockpit trainer.

The SR-71 spy plane.

Air Force ballistic missiles.

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