Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Eastward We Go

Up early to get on the road.  We left Fort Collins about 7:15.  The weather was sunny and in the 70's as we traveled.
This was our first stop.  We can't pass Cabela's in Sydney, Nebraska without stopping.  Hunter was so excited.  We spent about an hour looking.  Hunter had some money but opted not to spend it.  That was a real surprise to us.

This was one of the final mesas we saw as we were headed east.  

Another picture of the Nebraska landscape.  From here on it flattens out.

We are staying at the Country Inns and Suits in Lincoln.  It is very nice.  Hunter got to swim and even sat in the hot tub for a while.  There is a restaurant attached to the motel.  We ate a late supper there.  It was very good.  The only negative is the internet.  It is very slow.

We will soon turn off the lights and sleep .  In the morning we will drive the final 8 hours back to Decatur.  Glad we are not driving across Nebraska tomorrow.  There is a winter storm warning.  Part of central and western Nebraska are predicted to receive 4-8 inches of snow with strong winds.  It won't be pretty for any driving I-80.  

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