Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Fun Day in Fort Collins

Today was a great day.   We woke up to a 16 degree temperature but the day was sunny, cloudless and made it up to the 50's.
The fun began at the Fort Collins Discovery Museum.  This is a tornado activity.  You step inside and the wind begins to blow up to 80 MPH.  It is hair raising!

We lost Hunter in the music area of the Museum.  He loves to play the drums.
The neat thing about the museum is that is combined fun, hands-on activities along with the history of Fort Collins.  It is really the best children's museum that we have been in.  The activities were very fun for kids and adults alike and different like the tornado activity.

Lunch was at Totally 80's Pizza.  It is truly an original.  The pizza was great and it was interesting to see the 80's items decorating the walls.  They displayed PeeWee Herman's bicycle in his Great Adventure movie and the red outfit Michael Jackson wore in one of his 80's songs.  

We ended our afternoon by visiting the Swetsville Zoo.  A very  creative and imaginative man built these "zoo" residence out of unusual items.  The pictures don't show all the different items used in each display but it was interesting to point out the different things.

A cow and her baby.

The group.

Snoopy on his house.  Woodstock is in the house.

Dinosaur eggs.  See the baby hatching?

A fisherman with his big catch.

An unusual vehicle with an unusual driver (see the driver in the mouth of the vehicle?

A two-headed dragon.

A small band.

A bug.

There were so many more things to admire and look at.  This  place is a definite return trip.
We headed back to John and Linda's where we relaxed, ate a good supper prepared by Linda and watched the movie "The Apple Dumplin Gang.  Back to our room by 9:00.  Hunter was hoping to take a swim but we couldn't find his bathing suit.  We searched high and low several times.  We will try to get him another one at the Walmart tomorrow.

It has been a long but wonderful day.

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