Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Platte River Road - March 19, 2016

We didn't get on the road until 8:00.  We ate breakfast at the motel and discovered the one negative thing about the's breakfast!  We left hungry.  As we were driving I-80 west we were able to see flocks of Sandhill Cranes in the sky and in the fields.  For about six weeks in March and early April 80% of all Sandhill Cranes migrate north to northern Canada and stop here on the Nebraska Platte River to refuel and rest before heading north again.   The cranes roost in the shallow Platte Rivet at night and eat the grains in the Nebraskan fields during the day.  When instinct tells them, the cranes will complete their journey of migration.  This has happened for hundreds of years.  We would like to come back sometime and experience seeing them return to the river after being in the fields.  People come from across the country to see it.
Above is just a small sampling of the flocks in the sky over I-80.
Below are some sandhill cranes feasting on the leftover grain in the Nebraska fields

The Archway over I-80 which tells the story of the road west and those who traveled on it.

Hunter in the maze trying to figure out which way to go.,

Papaw and Hunter helping the girl push her covered wagon along the trail.

Papaw and Hunter riding the road west on their horses.

This is the only buffalo we have seen so far.

After the Archway, we spent the day driving west on I-80.  Surprisingly the traffic was light but the winds were strong,
We made it to Fort Collins around 4:00 p.m.  We are staying at the LaQuinta.  It is very nice.  We spent a couple of hours visiting with John and Family before returning to the motel to relax.  Hunter wanted to swim but the pool was too crowded.  He will have to wait for another day and time.  

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