Monday, December 28, 2015

Let the Rain and Cold Begin

After a breakfast at the hotel, we were on the road by 7:15 a.m.  It was 70 degrees and cloudy.  We were glad to get through Chattanooga and the mountains in the daylight.  Last time through it was dark.  As we were driving through Chattanooga, we could see that they had received a lot of rain.  We saw a RV sales lot where the campers were up to their doors in water,  Don't purchase a RV from Chattanooga.  We also saw ramp closed because the end was covered with water.

The drive through Nashville was much more pleasurable this time around.  At 9:30 a.m. The traffic was light and there were no jams.  Shortly after that it began to rain and with each mile north, it rained harder.  We could see that the entire area had received a lot of rain.  Not only did it rain but the temperature began to drop.  When we stopped for lunch in Frankfurt, the temperature was 40 and when you add the rain, it felt even colder. We were not prepared for that.   Kara's family dug out the winter coats.

We jumped off the interstate at Salem to take our old familiar road from Salem to Decatur.  Again, we could see all the water standing in the fields and the creeks and rivers out of their banks.  It didn't get much better as we got nearer to Decatur.   We stopped at Macon to let Hunter get back into his family's car.  We got home at 4:30.  We could see from our backyard that we had standing water.  According to the weather Decatur had received over three inches with more to come.  We unloaded; I began laundry; and we went to pick up Sandy.  As usual, she was so excited to get home.  Now our family vacation is officially over.  We are all at home with many good memories.
Capitol dome in Nashville

Nashville skyline

Driving into the rain

Before the storm there was a moon 

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