Wednesday, March 23, 2016


We left Lincoln around 7:30.  The motel was on 27th street and the route we wanted was US 2 south of Lincoln so we took 27th south through the city until we hit US 2.  We enjoyed driving through the different communities.  Lincoln is a melting pot of nationalities.  Some were Arab, African, Korean, Mexican, Vietnamese, Indian (the country), etc.  The old houses along 27th street were interesting to look at.   We spent the day driving through Missouri and finally into Illinois and home.  It was a cloudy day so we didn't have to fight the sun in our eyes.  The round trip was 2,200 miles in the four days of the six we were gone.   We took Hunter home.  He was very anxious to see Frosty, the dog but I think he was also glad to see his family.  Then we picked up Sandy from the kennel and got to our home about 5:30.  Tomorrow we get back into our normal routine.  It was a great trip even if it was fast.  I am posting some miscellaneous pictures.
Because we took our own pillows, Hunter got to sleep with all of the pillows.  He always started out with the pillows in a neat arrangements but usually two or more ended up on the floor during the night.  This morning, Papaw threw the pillows on top of him and he became a pillow pile with Hunter sleeping underneath.

This morning Hunter ended up crosswise in the bed!

As we cross into Illinois this flag is always flying high to greet us.  

Sandy's home when we are away from home without her.

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