Monday, March 21, 2016

Rocky Mountain High

Got a slow start this morning.  At 10:30 we headed to Estes Park through the Big Thompson Canyon.  Hunter did not want to go to Estes Park because we had told him that he could not use his DVD player or the IPad for both going and coming.  He complained that he couldn't sit and ride in a car for an hour and not have anything to do.  We overruled his objections and he rode to Estes Park electronic free.   It is just as awesome as the last time we were here.  I am glad to say that it looked like all the damaged houses from the flood four years ago had finally been repaired.  I didn't get any pictures coming or going because I sat in the back seat with Katie and Aidan and Hunter sat in my normal place.  It was still a wonderful drive.
We made it and everyone looks happy to be there (even Hunter).

Hunter and Katie but no Aidan because he had enough of pictures.

Someone had built a mini snowman on a boulder by the Estes Park Sign.  Following this picture, Hunter removed the head of the snowman and threw it at Papaw.

We had lunch at a restaurant located along the river walk.  The kids agreed to a quick photo.  Notice the big smile on Hunter's face.  He really liked Estes Park.  In fact he has said it was his favorite part of the trip.

Linda takes a good picture despite the subjects.

The three traveling companions:  Papaw, Memaw, and Hunter.

Hunter is having too much fun!

View from 8,000 feet just above Estes Park,.

The Falls River that flows through the canyon and Estes Park.

View of Estes Park and the Rocky Mountains.

We arrived back at John and Linda's around 5:00 p.m.  John did not have to go to work tonight so we spent the evening enjoying a good supper and good fellowship.  It has been a very busy too days and we are tired but it was worth it.  Hunter wants to move out here!  It really is a beautiful park of the country,  There is so much spectacular scenery everywhere and lots to see and do.

We returned to the hotel around 8:30 so Hunter could swim.  The pool here is very nice but he has not been able to swim in it because 1)  pool too crowded; 2) couldn't find his bathing suit (which we did find this morning); and 3) the pool was closed unexpectedly for maintenance.  Hunter did not get to swim.

Tomorrow we turn the truck east and travel home.


  1. It's the Fall River that flows through Estes Park. It joins the Big Thompson farther East.

  2. Glad you were able to make the trip and enjoy time with John, Linda and the kids. It is a beautiful area. Thanks for the pictures and update. Love, Mark and Betty
