Monday, March 10, 2014

Final Thoughts on Louisiana - Part 1

I love the way the people decorate for Mardi Gras.  They decorate for Mardi Gras just like we decorate for Christmas.  This was over the outside door of a business.

This was over an inside door of Pat's Restaurant.

It is hard to read but under this casino sign is the statement "Gambling Problem" followed by a toll free number to call.  All casinos, billboards, radio advertisements, and television advertisements also contain this statement.  I wonder if anyone gives this statement a thought.    I think the idea behind the statement is to remind the gamblers that there is help for a gambling problem but I doubt many people even notice it.

These two blogs wrap up some random pictures and things I saw on our  trip.  The history, diverse culture, and natural beauty of the state makes Louisiana a wonderful place to visit.  What we have seen and experienced the past two years barely scratched the surface of things to see and do.  Looks like we will have to return to Louisiana!

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