Monday, March 3, 2014

Snapshots from a Trip to the Post Office

It went from hot yesterday to cold this morning.  It was also overcast.  We were going to Washington, LA to several antique shops.  It is said that 80% of the buildings in Washington are on the National Historical Registry.  As we read the brochures about the city, we learned that the antique shops are only open Friday-Sunday.  Today (Monday) would not be a good day for a trip to Washington so we changed our plans.

First thing I accomplished was laundry.  This should be the last time I do laundry this trip.  I talked to Peggy and she told me they and Bill and Ericka were going shopping in Layafette.  We were invited to go but Carol didn't want to shop today so we stayed home.  I did need to visit a post office for stamps so we left the camp to do that.  I always have my camera so here are a few pictures from our trip to the post office.
This is the post office at Henderson.  I did not buy my stamps here because I knew how small it was and that it had limited hours.  We went to Cecilia for my stamps.

Carol wanted to see where the road went if you turned left at the corner by Pat's Restaurant so we turned left and went under the interstate.

After crossing under the interstate, the road turned left across a bridge by this house.
I thought it was a neat looking house.

I love the way the branches of the old Live Oak trees bend down to the ground.  It makes for easy tree climbing.

These two schnauzers were waiting on their owner and we pulled up to park by this truck.  We went inside for me to buy postcards.  We had Sandy with us so when we left her in the truck, she jumped into the front seat.  True to the yippy nature of schnauzers, they barked at her.  Sandy ignored them.  Aren't they stylish in their sweaters?  

We ended our trip to the post office by stopping by this little place.  We thought it was an antique store but it was more than that.  It had lots of crafts, art, and homemade items from local artisans showing the culture of this part of Louisiana.  It was a neat store.

Tomorrow we plan to go to Iota, LA to a Courir de Mardi Gras.  It is a country celebration of Mardi Gras.  I hope the weather cooperates.

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