Saturday, March 8, 2014

Goodbye. Hello. Goodbye (Part 2)

Yep!  This is what it looks like.  The trailer had a tire blow out.  We were cruising along I-55 when Carol saw bits of rubber going everywhere in his side mirror.  The time was 4:45 and we were less then 40 miles from the campground.  He pulled off the road and I called our motor club.  They wanted to know where we were located.  After several minutes we were able to figure out an approximate location.  Let this be a lesson to us...always know the last exit we passed.  

It is now 6:30 and we are waiting for the repair truck.  We were told that the truck needed to get us back on the road is at another call so it will probably be until at least 7:30 before they get here.  So it is 6:30, dark, and here we sit.  I did find a motel in Grenada that takes pets so when we get back on the road we are staying in a motel.  I think we are at mile marker 185 so we are just a short distance from the motel.

At 9:00 after several phone call to the motor club and the wrecker service, someone came to change the tire.  I hope we never sit beside an interstate for 4 hours, two of those hours in the dark.  We sat there while semis, pickups, cars, etc. came whizzing by, blowing against the side of the truck and camper.  It was so frustrating to not be able to do anything but sit and wait.  Thankfully, we had a cell phone and Internet so I could find a motel that would allow pets and had truck parking.  We decided early in this situation that we were not going to pull into an unknown state park and try to find a spot in the dark so we are in a motel in Grenada.  Sandy is nervous because she has never experienced a strange room in which to sleep.

Tomorrow, we will get back into the truck and head for home.  Hopefully, the rest of the trip will be uneventiful! 

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