Friday, March 7, 2014

Our Final Day

Today is our last day at Cajun Palms.  The day was great weatherwise...60's and mostly sunny.  We sat outside in lawn chairs just soaking up the temps and sun before we head north.  We winterized our camper in anticipation of colder temps.  We filled up the gas tank in the truck and did general packing to make it easier to get on the road tomorrow.  At 3:00 we gathered at Don and Peggy's site for dessert before we ate a late supper.  Cherry cheesecake and chocolate pie...delicious...thanks, Peggy.

We all ate here for a final meal together.  Traditionally, we eat supper together the first and last evening we are here (and many in between).

Carol is digging into a plate of fried alligator.  He said it was delicious.  I will take his word for it.  I had a delicious salad with chicken!  

The band was rocking.  This is Lee Benoit and the Cajun Stampers.

The dance floor always had couples dancing to the Cajun band.  I love to watch them dance.  They move so smoothly across the floor.  None of the men in our group would dance so we ladies watched, too.

Not only did Don not want to dance but he felt a snooze would be a better way to spend the time.  We did have a good time laughing, eating, talking.  Tomorrow the sextet will become a quartet.

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