Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mini Trip: Midwest Meets Middle East

We took a mini trip to Vandalia to meet family from Salem and Kuwait for supper.  Nathan and Heather and their sons, Caleb and Ben are spending some time stateside with Betty.  We met them all at a McDonalds with a play area (this is VERY important with four boys age 2-8).  Nathan and Heather shared with us about Kuwait and its culture.  They are enjoying their time in Kuwait and after talking to them I knew why it was so enjoyable.  During the adult talk time, the boys were climbing, running, sliding and just being boys.  Everyone had a great time.
Heather, Caleb, and Hunter climbed high in the play area.

Hunter and Keegan sitting with Ronald.

The spiders from the Happy Meal were a big hit.

Betty, Heather, Caleb, Ben, and Nathan.
Keegan  squeezed himself into the family picture.
The spiders got into the picture as well.

First, second and third cousins.
Kara, Hunter, Heather, Caleb, Ben, Nathan, Keegan, and the spiders.

Grandma Betty and Ben, Great Aunt/Memaw Mary and Caleb,  Great Uncle/Papaw Carol, and Keegan.  Can you find Hunter?

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