Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday in Louisiana

Last night we slept with the windows open.  It got up to 72 and started out overcast but just like yesterday by early afternoon the sun had sent the clouds packing.  At 3:00 p.m. It was 13 and snowing in Illinois.  I guess I will just have to miss that snow storm.  Because it is so nice down here, it is hard to imagine 13 degrees and snow!

Before we came down here, we had heard on the Travel Channel that the Tiger Truck Stop just west of Baton Rouge on I-10 was one of the best truck stops in which to eat. It gets its name because of a tiger kept there.  We wanted to eat there but when we got to the truck stop,  the place did not look very appetizing.  We have eaten at truck stops many times but this one didn't appeal to us.  We decided to bypass it.  I did see the tiger.

We also went to a Bass Pro Shop.  The inside was decorated like a Louisiana swamp with cypress trees covered with moss.  The taxidermied animals were native to Louisiana.

As we were driving back to camp we drove through Baton Rouge and I snapped this picture of the Capitol building.

This was taken from the 18-mile bridge that passes over the Atchafalaya Basin.

Sunset over the camp.
We ended the day with a family-style supper outside at Don and Peggy's camper.  The 6 of us had a Central Illinois meal of ham, potatoes, baked beans, cole slaw, pickled beets, assortment of pickles, angel cake, strawberry ice cream, and fresh strawberries.  It tasted like home and we all enjoyed the food and the good conversation with good people.  As we sat together talking, feeling stuffed, we saw this sunset.  What could be more perfect?!

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