Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Home and Thankful

Sunrise over Missouri.  We left this morning at 6:00 when it was still dark but I just can't pass up a sunrise picture.

 We arrived home at 2:00 p.m. Stopping only for gas and eat in Springfield at Golden Corral.  After we got back in Decatur we picked up Sandy from the kennel.   She was ecstatic and jumped all over both of us kissing and licking us over and over.  We went to Kara's to pick up her food for the Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and see the boys.  Finally, home around 4:00.

We are tired and glad to be home.  I usually use my last entry to wrap up and post statistics and numbers but tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a day set aside to be thankful.  I wanted to start my thankfulness a day early because as I thought back over the trip I have so much in which to be thankful. Here are just a few of so many.

Our car has 175,000 miles on it and it brought us home safely with no problems.
John's van has 140,000 miles on it and it took he, Linda, two kids and a mother-in-law to Colorado.
John and family are in their new apartment.
Linda has a job.
John had a job interview yesterday and a follow-up today.
For all the beauty of nature we saw which includes not only the majestic Rocky Mountains, but the plains of Nebraska, the rolling hills of Northern Missouri, and the corn and bean fields of Illinois.
For the beautiful snow that made the world look clean.
For being able to spend time with John and his family.
For both of us being retired so we could help John and his family

These are just a few things of so many for which I thank God.

I was also thankful to see this sign when we crossed the Mississippi River into Illinois.  
It meant we were nearly home.  
It was a great trip but there is no place like home!

1 comment:

  1. Guess I hadn't checked in in a while . . . look forward to seeing some more beautiful pictures in 2014!
